
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Baye Oumar Niasse: "N'Doye said: «Brother, you must come here»".

Lokomotiv's new signing Baye Oumar Niasse sat for an exclusive interview with the club's web site after the signing of the contract.

- I'm a young player and the transfer in a big clubs is a new step in my career. Lokomotiv gave me this opportunity and so I'm happy. I want to do a lot of good things for the team, the city and to justify the trust of the people.

- We have already a player from Senegal. Is it important for you?
- Very important, because this player can be really useful during the adaptation, enter in the team and explain the situations. Dame is like a brother for me. When I was in Senegal, I have already known about him. He's a great player and if I'm here, it's also thanks to him. We were speaking about Lokomotiv and he said: «Brother, you must come here».

- You seem an outgoing person which have fastly found a contact with fans.
- Yes, you know, I'm an happy boy and when I'm happy I become a little crazy in positive sense. By the fact, Dame spoke me about people and fans, I think that all will be good with them. 

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