
Saturday 5 July 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Artyom Vyatkin: "Support Loko always and everywhere; RPL need the limit."

Artyom Vyatkin, Lokomotiv reserves player, has spoken to us about his career, Loko-2 and Russian football. Enjoy this exclusive interview!

- Privet Artyom. Welcome to the International fan club of Loko.

- Tell us something about you and your career. How did you become a footballer?
"I started playing football when I was 8 years old, I asked to my mother to approach me to football. I started in the nursery school of SKA Khabarovsk, then I went in Rostov-on-Don. I worked for 15 years in the football academy school of Viktor Ponedelnik under the leadership of the great Serbian coach Aleksander Veselinović. I'm grateful for all that he have done for me. Then, together with my family, we decided to move in Moscow. I had to choose between Spartak and Lokomotiv, I have preferred the second option.
Two years later I was promoted to reserves, but I played not much because I had some serious problems with adductors. I was out for about 9 months. When I recovered, I was loaned to Loko-2, where I played the second part of the season. After this, the team was closed and so I returned to reserves."

- Well. You have said that Loko-2 have been closed down. What was the atmosphere? And the objectives? How will the future of players be now?
"All happened very quickly. Our goal was the highest result, but suddenly the team was closed."

- You were the youngest player in the team. What did you feel about it?
"It wasn't easy at first, but the older guys supported me and I quickly settled in the team."

- You returned in the main Loko with Lantratov. What can you say about Ilya? And about you, where do you prefer playing on the pitch?
"Ilya is my friend. I lived also with him, he's a good goalkeeper. Usually I play as central defender."

- What is your football dream? Maybe, have you just spoken with Kuchuk?
"I dream to play for Real Madrid. About Kuchuk, I haven't spoken with him.

- What do you think about the limit of "legionaries"? Is it good for the development of Russian football or not? Would you like to abolish it?
"I think that for the development of Russian football, RPL need the limit. It's necessary because in this way Russian players can play more ."

- Write a message for all Lokomotiv fans around the world.
"Support Lokomotiv always and everywhere, we really need your support."

- Spasibo Artyom. The interview is finished. Good luck for the next season in Loko! 

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